Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekend Update

Ray stayed back from deer hunting this past weekend and good thing he did. The boys were not on their best behavior and with an extra hour, the weekend seemed like an eternity! They were still coughing and with runny noses although their coughs don't seem quite as debilitating (and still seem productive, but I wish that kids could actually cough up that mucus and phlegm!) I also came down with a cold and for the first time in about 4 1/2 years am able to take zinc tablets (Cold Eeze) since I'm no longer pregnant or nursing. The zinc seems to be keeping my symptoms pretty minimal at this point which is great as I try to keep up with the boys all day long.

This weekend we tried something new. For the first time in 3 years, we tried to put the boys in the nursery during weekend Mass and attend Mass together. They had only gone there during my weekday church programs in the past and if you have been keeping up on the blog, you know that Liam doesn't do well in the nursery during the week. Well, we were pleasantly surprised to NOT get paged and so when I went to pick the boys up I was feeling elated! Except that both the nursery director and my cousin Carrie (who incidentally was volunteering that evening) told me that Connell was weepy the entire time and they didn't know what he wanted. He has never had a problem in the nursery nor being away from us. After grilling him in the car on the way home, it came out that he wanted to be with us at Mass and not "at Liam's church" as he now refers to the nursery. Preschool is "Connell's church". If you can follow that...Connell refers to the actual worship space as "mommy and daddy's church" and then the nursery as "Liam's" and his Tues. Thurs. preschool room as "Connell's". Yes, we are confused too! So now that Liam actually did well in the nursery for once, Connell is the problem! He insists on attending the hour-long Mass next weekend with us and only having Liam going to the nursery. How many of you out there can see that being a pleasant experience?!?!? I did take Connell by myself to Saturday afternoon Mass back in early September and it was a longer Mass than usual (running about 75 minutes) and so by the 45 minute mark, he was running up and down the aisles. I decided to wait a while before trying that again or letting Ray take his turn!

We also took our Christmas photo of the boys this weekend. I took about 20-25 shots with the boys wearing the outfits that I put together for them from the thrift stores and clearanced items. There wasn't a single picture with both looking decent, so I opted to choose one with Liam looking cute. Even if Connell cooperates and smiles, he still has a goofy look to him so I favored Liam this time. Sorry, Connell! This year's photo is no where near as good as last year's so don't get too excited for its arrival in the mail in early December!

We also have a momma stray cat and her 6 babies (see above photo for the momma and one of the babies) living in our bushes and under our deck. Ray made some calls and found out that no one will come pick them up (animal control, humane society) so he will have to think of how to transport the 7 of them somewhere to donate. We don't want them all dying next to our back window (by the window well) and stinking up our house all winter. With the animal protection laws, we know that we can't do anything drastic to them (you probably know what they would do on the farm to 7 stray cats!) and I told Ray that I didn't need him doing any jail time and leaving me here with the boys!

That's pretty much the summary of the weekend.

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