Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Boys go to Great-Grandma's for her 75th Birthday Party

Ray, Connell & Liam made the 2 hr 45 min. drive up to Hoffman today for Great Grandma (Betty) Hagen's 75th birthday party. Connell got to play with his 4 1/2 yr. old 2nd cousin Jeffrey (Clough) and Liam got to dig into the food! They had a fun time.

I stayed home and changed the sheets on the beds, did about 5-6 loads of laundry, cleaned and some other misc. chores. Mainly I enjoyed the silence as the last thing I felt like doing was spending 5 1/2 hours in the car listening to the boys whining after I listen to them 12 hours a day everyday! Ray is traveling this week (Mon-Wed to the Carolinas) and so I really needed a day to catch up on stuff before I am on my own for about 72 hours.

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