Monday, November 26, 2007

Our Long Weekend

Our weekend was nice. We went to Ray's aunt Nancy's house for Thanksgiving and had a nice time. There were 21 of us which was a nice size group. The boys didn't really eat much, but they enjoyed getting into mischief and playing with their cousins.

The rest of the weekend was filled with shopping, relaxing, attending church, etc. There wasn't really anything exciting that occurred except that Ray got the Christmas lights on the front of the house and I finished our Christmas newsletter. With the extra week that this year brought with that early Thanksgiving, we really are on top of the holidays for once.

Oh, and here is the shocker of the century for anyone who knows me well. I took up reading!!! Yes, that's right. I am the person that has never read a book (for pleasure) in her adult life besides ones required for college classes. Here is how it happened...I was in the Dollar Store Friday going up and down the aisles and found myself in the book aisle. This hardcover book jumped out at me -- especially when I saw that it had a list price of $24.95 and then a Wal-mart sticker for $4.95 and then of course it was down to a dollar. So I read the flap and it sounded really good and so I bought it and thought, "I could read this!" I started it on Friday eve and finished it this morning -- and it was 365+ pages long. It was called "All is Vanity" by Christina Schwarz. She is the author of a book called "Drowning Ruth" which was on Oprah's reading list (and maybe I'll read that in coming weeks). Anyway, I did love the "All is Vanity" book although never having read a book before I don't have much to compare it to! My friend Vicki says that she has more books to recommend to me and I think that perhaps I will discover the glories of the public library in coming months.

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