Monday, November 12, 2007

Ready for the Week...

Liam is all ready for the week. He has been wearing his hat for much of the morning and we haven't left the house. He got his 3 comfort items... his Elmo backpack, his Mickey Mouse water bottle and his baby and has been looking like he is ready to leave the house. Unfortunately we took all three items with him to the church nursery yesterday morning for 8 am Mass, yet they paged me halfway through and I had to bring him back to the worship space with me. Connell got very antsy about that point as well and he wouldn't even try the nursery. So the four of us were quite the spectacle for the last 20 minutes of Mass or so.

Yesterday afternoon we got together with Ray's mom (the sandbox grandma) at Wendy's near her neighborhood for supper (spur of the moment). The day seemed pretty long with us home from Mass by 9:15 and no other real plans. Ray even gave up on the Viking-Packer game somewhere near the beginning of the 4th quarter.

Ray is now spending 3 days on business in the Carolinas. He left this morning and returns sometime about 8 or 9 pm on Wednesday eve. We are hoping for an uneventful few days and nights.

The stray cats appear to have left for good?!?!? The boys' colds are finally subsiding (although Liam still has his constant runny nose -- I am on pins and needles waiting for the call from the allergist to see whether he has a dust allergy). We are trying to fill our week with stuff to do so that it isn't so long with Ray gone.

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