Friday, November 30, 2007

Crayon Marks Galore!

While I was upstairs with Connell (he got into trouble for jumping from kitchen chair to kitchen chair and jumping off as well), Liam was drawing all over the kitchen floor with a red crayon he must have found. There were 5 large spots like this one all over the floor. With a lot of elbow grease and some different products, I was able to get 4 of them off. The 5th is really stubborn and I will have to find some other stuff to try and get it off.

While I was cleaning up the red crayon mess, Marta Fendrich called saying that my old department at Rosemount High School was coming over to lunch at her house on their workshop day. So I gave the kids something quick to eat and bundled them up and went over to her place for some wonderful leek soup and extras. While I was eating and gabbing with ex-language department members, the boys had made their way to Natalie's bedroom. I suspected something when Liam came down with two plum-colored marks on his socks that weren't there when we left the house. I went upstairs to Natalie's room to find 4 spots of washable marker -- similar to the crayon spots that were recently on my kitchen floor! Liam was the culprit although I imagine that Connell watched and didn't prevent him from doing it. So I ran home and grabbed two different carpet cleaning products and came back spending 10 minutes scrubbing their carpet. It isn't perfect, but at least it is on the carpet that was the original and not the new stuff on the main level that they recently replaced. Ugh! Now it's back home as the faculty had to get back to doing grades on their workday and I need to find something to get the crayon off of my kitchen floor! Ugh! (Sorry I didn't take a photo of the Fendrich's carpeting for the blog!)

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