Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Oops! Major allergy error.

Well, last night while Ray was at the website committee meeting at church, I did some serious searching online and found that McDonald's French fries indeed DO have dairy in them. This stems from the fact that over the 5 or so weeks that we have kept Connell dairy-free, that he has had a few bouts of eczema in the crooks of his arms and knees and on his elbows and I couldn't pin-point the cause. When I had originally found ingredient lists for fast food restaurants' foods, McDonald's fries DID list milk as an allergen. But I found other places on the Internet where it appeared that they had removed it from their product. Last night I actually went to where I looked on their nutrition section and lo and behold --- MILK!!!! So I think that we have found the culprit as I can remember 3-4 times that Connell has had them in the last 5+ weeks. So now he is down to basically a hamburger with ketchup (he removes the pickle). I told him he could have two hamburgers since he can't have the fries any longer. Burger King's fries appear to be safe -- but they are pretty yucky. Arby's fries (curly) also have dairy.

I feel fortunate to have figured out the problem early as I was frustrated seeing the eczema coming back now and then without eating anything with dairy or peanut or tree nut (as far as I knew).

We are still waiting to hear the results of Liam's test from last Thursday.

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