Thursday, November 1, 2007

Liam's Visit with the Allergist

While Connell was at preschool today, I took Liam to see Dr. Chenworth (Connell's allergist) to discuss all the reactions that we have seen lately. The doctor wants us to treat his eczema like Connell's (with hydrocortisone and Vanicream) and also requested a similar RAST blood test.

I took Liam to the hospital and he was not happy about the blood draw (it was long and we had to hold him down on the bed while his blood only trickled out). The doctor had requested to check milk, soy, peanuts, dust mites, cats and several tree nuts. The dust mites was because I had mentioned the continuous stuffy and runny nose that Liam has had since birth and although some people had mentioned thinking it was dairy allergy related, Dr. Chenworth said that it would be more likely to be a dust allergy. I wonder if that comes back positive if I am going to have to clean my house better. The results won't be back for 1-2 weeks and I will update the blog with them. Until then we are avoiding all peanut products and I am somewhat limiting his dairy intake just so that the transition to "no dairy" won't be as sudden as it ended up being for Connell.

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