Thursday, November 29, 2007

Caught off guard...

I was totally caught off guard last night at our bi-monthly Ladies' Night Out shortly after I presented the top 3 awards for "Turkey Husband of the Year". (By the way, Jennifer's husband, Richard, took home the top prize for jumping up and down on their bed shattering the light fixture above, Vicki's husband, Eric, took home 2nd by putting an entire ham down the garbage disposal at once and running it with little water and Deann's husband, Chris, got 3rd place by cutting some baseboard on their kitchen countertop sawing through the counter. Ray tied for 4th by driving 19 miles to work in my car with the emergency brake on. Amber's husband, Dave, who mixed up her name a little bit while proposing to her also tied for 4th.

Jessica came out with a survey for everyone to fill out stating that now we were voting for "Playgroup Mommy of the Year". Well, if anyone can read the questions above, you will see that it was a little biased and I won. They had all kinds of gift cards and liquor and gifts for me. I was very touched. Everyone wrote me a personalized note (handwritten which was interesting because I have known these people for almost 3 years and yet I didn't recognize many of the handwritings -- that means all of our correspondence is by email!) I do the planning for the fun of it and because that is the type of person I am. It meant a lot to me for them to plan all of these surprises behind my back so cleverly!

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