Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Weekend of Hugs...

The boys were in a "huggy" mood this weekend. They were spotted hugging several times.

We had a pretty low-key weekend with some shopping, watching tv, doing laundry, going to church (Connell was a little squirmy in the worship space with us, but Liam did really well in the nursery) and that was about it!

Monday we have conferences with Connell's preschool teacher. Both Ray and I are excited to see if she has him pegged just like we do. Of course there always has to be an issue with the Hagens --- the church is so nice to have the nursery available while the parents are conferencing with the preschool teachers. Now that Liam does great in there, we thought we were set! Connell has unfortunately been telling us for more than a week that he will NOT go in there during conferences, the nursery is for "babies in diapers" and so we don't know what we will do. He cries about it every time it gets mentioned. I guess if we can't work something else out, I will keep the kids busy while Ray talks to the teacher alone. In a strange way, I almost DON'T want to hear what she is going to say because many of you know that while I am at church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for Bible Study, I often run into Connell's class in the hall. Connell is always lagging behind and the aide is usually there trying to keep him moving. So I have a sneaky feeling that he is the "in the clouds" type that teachers struggle with. We'll let you know what occurs...

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