Monday, November 19, 2007

Connell's Parent-Teacher Conference

Ray and I met with Miss Theresa this afternoon for Connell's progess report at school. There were lots of positives --- Connell is great at using the bathroom by himself, he has good manners, talks to all the other kids, plays extremely well independently, loves to go to school (no separation issues) and academically is "really bright". Miss Theresa says that his vocabulary is great and he has improved immensely in using his words to get things from other students and the teachers. When prompted, he has actually shared things at "show and tell" although he talks very softly in front of the whole group. He loves playing during gross motor time (on the play equipment or in the open area).

Some of the areas in which he could improve include sitting still for circle time, singing along with the class, transitioning between activities as requested, keeping track of his personal items and getting his projects into his backpack by himself. He tends to be quite chatty with the other students and tries to move around instead of listening during circle time.

Most of the above were not shocks to us. I was a little surprised to hear that he wasn't singing during circle time because he loves to sing at home and sings his songs from school for us. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Miss Theresa say that Connell has a huge vocabulary and communicates very well. Within our playgroup and ECFE, Connell was very late/the last to talk (didn't say much at all until age 2) and so for an outsider to compliment him on his communication skills is really an uplifting thought!

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