Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ready for winter...

For some reason this was the same time last year that I got the "crochet bug" and starting whipping up all types of sweaters, hooded sweatshirts, etc.

Here I am modeling one that I finished this morning (the striped one). It's very warm and you can't tell it from the picture, but has a wide collar that folded down. Turned out ok. I'll have to wear it on some chilly winter day...

Here is one that I made last year although I am not sure that I ever had it on the blog. It is a European circle coat design and I love how it looks with the slanted sides and circle design. It honestly is a big circle with the arm holes made in the appropriate spots.

And I love this dainty poncho/capelet that has little trapezoids all over it. I made it right at the end of my stint last year and so I never got to wear it.

1 comment:

Penny said...

They're all so cute! I've gotten the bug too, but I've been doing stuff like baby purses and unicorns. :) Sometimes Alex feels pretty left out.