Sunday, August 23, 2009

Steele County Free Fair

We spent a few hours on Thursday and Saturday at the Steele County Free Fair which is literally a couple of blocks from my folks' house in Owatonna.

Unfortunately, Thursday was rainy and yet we did get in about 2 hours before it poured! The boys went on some rides (my mom gets them weekly wristbands) although this year Connell was very scared of the rides after a couple of years of loving them! He started questioning the safety of the rides this year and his overanalysis of the rides ruined any fun he might have on them. Oh, well. He did enjoy playing BINGO at the St. Mary's tent and so he went with my mom and Neysa in there to play that. The boys also liked a little whale that had a spot for coins -- if you got a coin in, then the whale spouted his water! My mom only had dollars and then ended up buying two rolls of pennies for a dollar which makes for a lot of coins!

The mascots (Steely and Stella which are two cows) greeted the boys and I snapped a picture. We also went through some of the animal barns again.

The boys had some French fries (the yummy ones with skins on them) and some ice cream. Liam accidentally was sitting on Connell's finger and so Connell pushed Liam over the back of the picnic bench and so we had some stares and two unhappy boys at one point! You might be able to sense the sadness in the photo with the fries.

We also had a few mini-doughnuts on the way home on Saturday. Ray loves the fair food, although the boys are I aren't as thrilled by it.

My dad is feeling really good again and so he spent lots of time at the fair with us as well. I was so impressed with how much he was walking after his recent hospital stay.

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