Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are you sick of hearing about illnesses yet? (no pun intended)

Well, we saw Connell's regular doctor this afternoon about the residual cough and he thought that perhaps this is a case of the secondary bacterial infections that they are seeing occur with the influenza A (H1N1). He couldn't be sure because Connell's temp has been down for almost 2 days (after 5 of being up). Since the cough really started in full force when the fever subsided, it sounds like the start of a second infection and so he prescribed Azithromycin to help with the clearing of the lungs and the cough. Connell will be out of school for several more days. He has already missed 4 days of school.

As you can see, the medical clinics require that the influenza patients wear masks during their entire stay. Connell wasn't happy about that.

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