Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our family has succombed to illness....

Both boys have been sick in the last few days. Given the strict fever guidelines set by the district to prevent the spread of flu and other illnesses, you have to wait until 24 hours or more after a fever of 100 or more is gone without the help of fever-reducers to go back to school. Since Connell had a temp of 101 this morning and it has not gone down, that puts him out of school today and tomorrow. Liam missed preschool yesterday with a similar fever. Each have a little tickly cough which is sporadic but never exhibited any other signs of illness (like runny nose or sore throat -- as far as we know). So Connell is very sad to be missing school and I am getting a little bored of staying home with boys who don't want to be sick and think that they can do anything they want. Let's just hope that Ray and I don't catch anything.

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