Friday, September 25, 2009

On the mend

Connell went back to school on Thursday and did quite well according to his teacher. He did get a time-out and claimed that is was "so hard to remember all those rules being absent for a week" (yeah, right!), but I guess he made it without too much coughing and with a normal amount of energy. Today will be day #2 and then he gets the weekend to relax (has anyone ever seen my boys relax!?!?!)

No one else in the household has come down with the virus so we are very thankful for that. We have gotten better at washing hands and using sanitizer and so hopefully we can continue to be diligent over the winter.

Connell knows that it is coming -- since he is well again, he will need to get his seasonal flu shot this weekend. Liam and I got ours last week while Connell was sick and home with dad and so Ray will have to hold him down. Connell still is deathly afraid of shots and blood being drawn and so it is a chore to accompany him while either is occurring.

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