Sunday, September 6, 2009

Liam hits a few milestones...

We have two things to be excited about for Liam who is almost 3 yrs & 3 mos now.

First, it has been 5 full days now with no potty accidents - wet or poopy. Hopefully Liam can keep up the good work since preschool starts this week (with Mon the 14th being his first full morning on his own) and so he barely made it in under the wire! Since he finally made the "5 perfect days in a row", he got to have his super-duper Thomas and Percy carnival toy that I purchased on July 21st (and had been adorning the top of the entertainment center since). We brought it down, put it together and the boys have been enthralled with it ever since.

Secondly, he is now riding his big boy bike without training wheels! He is very proud of himself as you can see in the photo. So he and Connell have races up and down the street -- with the neighbors as well (in the photo Liam is way back in the back, but determined nonetheless). At least he doesn't have the cumbersome training wheels to hold his back (not to mention the screechy noise they made!) We have spent countless hours outside this summer since it was unseasonably cooler and less humid and so all the practice on their bikes and scooters really paid off (Connell began this season without his training wheels but he is still very happy for Liam already getting rid of his!)

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