Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, Connell's flu held on throughout the weekend and so we knew that it fit all the criteria of H1N1 (absolutely textbook case down the line --- high fever for many days, sore throat, cough, runny nose, aches, chills, fatigue, etc.) There is no medicine for any of the flus -- regular or H1N1 as we found out doing research and talking to the nurse on the nurse line. In fact, since the seasonal flu hasn't started yet, all influenza A cases are being considered H1N1 (without testing specifically for it). After the fever hit 5 days, the nurse suggested taking him in simply to rule out strep and pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infection, etc. which is exactly what the trip to urgent care yesterday evening did for us. So we are happy to report that he only has H1N1 (influenza A) which actually is good news! It's persistent and caused him to miss many days of school, but fortunately in 99% of people like Connell -- it shouldn't cause anything serious. Even the urgent care doctor said that this has all been over-hyped which is good to know because I have been feeling it from people. So many common people have made me feel like the whole family should be quarantined which is not true! The doctor we saw actually said that all the schools and daycare centers have many cases of H1N1 and so it's everywhere already! And in retrospect, Liam didn't have it -- he only had a fever for a matter of hours and then that was it. He was acting very strange over the weekend so we were sure that it was coming back, but nothing ended up coming. So Liam is back to preschool today and feeling great as Ray and I are. Will keep you posted though...

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