Friday, October 2, 2009

Week in review

I would never have guessed that a week had gone by since my last post. I guess when we are healthy, there isn't a whole lot to blog about! But seriously, it was an uneventful week with both boys back at their respective schools and life going on as normal.

Last Friday evening, Ray and Connell finally got their seasonal flu shots and we ate at Perkin's to celebrate! Saturday and Sunday were fairly quiet with some errands (for me) and sports events on tv (for the guys).

Tomorrow we are driving up to Glenwood to have lunch with Ray's grandma and then at 4 pm we have Ray's cousin Jeff's wedding in Alexandria. It will be a marathon day with two changes of clothes for the boys -- a nice outfit for the wedding and then after the reception into pajamas so that they can sleep the entire way home and transfer into bed. The drive is about 2 1/2 hours one way.

The weather here was great (crisp/cool, yet sunny) the beginning of the week although the last few days have been rainy. We need the rain so I can't complain although it does give a glimpse of winter and the long afternoons. Connell is back from kindergarten by 11:15 each day and so it makes for a short morning and long afternoon.

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