Saturday, October 4, 2008

Swimming Lessons Update

Connell had swimming lesson #2 this morning and on the way home he told daddy that he didn't want to go back. Since almost everything has always come very easy for Connell, we think that he is a little taken back that this is more of a challenge for him. He doesn't pay attention to the instructor and he is so impatient, so that probably doesn't help. Ray told him that he is committed for the 8 week session that we have paid for and so he has to stick with it. Ray and Connell might do a few open swims on the weekends to give him some extra practice with the strokes/skills. As predicted though....Connell doesn't seem to be our little athlete as Liam tended to show many more signs of coordination/gross motor/kinesthetic skills from early on whereas Connell was always very good with fine motor skills and more of thinker.

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