Friday, October 17, 2008

Introducing Captain Hook and Peter Pan

Announcing the boys' Halloween costumes for the year....Captain Hook and Peter Pan. Once again I made them and I will try and explain how I did it...

The boots and shoes were at the Salvation Army for $2.25 for both pairs combined.
The tops of each costume were made out of a tablecloth -- the red with gold accents was at the Salvation Army for $1.99 and the light lime green one was at Saver's for $.99.
The pants were made from a black and forest green sweatshirt/fleece top that I got at Saver's each for $.99 and then sewed them into pants with some elastic.
Captain Hook's hat was made from a black cowboy hat at the Dollar Store and I added some Dollar Store fake hair and a few white feathers from Michael's.
Peter Pan's hat was sewn from the leftover material from the top and then a red feather was also added from Michael's.
Although Connell's white shirt was bought already made ($.99 thrift store special), I bought another one similar to it for $.99 to sew the jabot tie.
The gold sash was just some cheap material.
The dagger and sword as well as the hook were in combo packages at the Dollar Store.
Combined with puchased thread, interfacing, elastic and hot glue, voila! I figure I spent about $20. or so total dollars to make both costumes.

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