Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's the little things....

My boys are very independent and always want to do things for themselves and at times I struggle with giving up control. It ranges from pouring their own milk and juice to making their own lunches to arranging things their own way, etc. Well, this morning Connell was extremely bothered by the tag inside his pajama top. He insisted that he could cut it out himself. Immediately I told him "no" and then told him the story about how my dad (as a child) tried to cut a tag out of a new garment and ended up making a hole in the new piece of clothing resulting in no supper and being sent to his room for the evening. His mom was so upset! Keep in mind that this incident happened 80 years ago and I heard it second-hand from my dad, but I have always found it to be a poignant story. But then I remembered that since I buy all of the kids' clothing and pajamas at thrift stores or get it second-hand that the pajama top was either free or $.99 and so it wouldn't be a big loss if he cut a hole in it. So I told Connell to go ahead and cut it out and tried to show him where he would cut as to not ruin the top. You can see the result in the photo -- a perfect, straight-line cut right where it was supposed to be.

It's those little things that sure can make you smile and feel proud of your children and realize that they are growing up!

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