Monday, October 6, 2008

Bring on the winter.....

As the weather is becoming more unpredictable, I have started to think about winter. This weekend we started some small craft projects/experiments. The kids have had fun decorating paper plates and then putting dried pinto beans inside to make homemade maracas.

I made a batch of basic dough (2 c. flour, 1/2 c. salt and 1 cup warm tap water) to play with. Long before I started this blog (probably 1 1/2 years ago), Connell ruined his bedroom carpet with several large spots of real Play-Doh squished into it. Turns out that he smuggled Play-Doh up to his room when he was 2 1/2 and wanted to see what happened if he squished it into the carpet. The steam cleaners don't take it out and the professional carpet cleaners apologized that they can't do anything about it either. We also enjoyed playing with the homemade recipe with Kool-aid packets in it for color/smell back in the day, but the food coloring in that also does a number on the carpet (even if only small pieces get caught on their clothes and transferred around the house). So this time I made the colorless dough above and figure that it will do the least amount of damage to the house. Of course many of you know that I basically gave up a few years ago as I found out that you can't totally keep the house perfect with small children in the house -- especially curious and experimental boys like mine. But I digress...

We also made a telephone with some of my cotton yarn from my recent crochet projects and 2 yogurt containers. The kids think that it is amazing and even Connell who doesn't like the real telephone has enjoyed talking to his brother or daddy through the yogurt phone!

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