Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ladies' Night Out

We had Ladies' Night Out at the Ole Piper last night and did our annual Turkey awards. Jennifer won Turkey Wife of the Year and Megan won Best Creative Turkey Story. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. We hadn't all been together since last November because family and activity schedules haven't allowed for good attendance. Generally there are 7-9 of us present.

As you can see, our ages span 12 years (incidentally I am smack in the middle of the 11!) and yet we all met in 2005 through ECFE or the Stretch and Stroll program as fairly new moms. Some of us are working outside the home and some of us aren't. We have get-togethers with our children for the holidays and meet at parks periodically all summer long. Baby #22 is due next month. Somehow I stepped up and took charge of the group back in 2006 or so, but am always willing to let others step up and plan activities or outings.

I have listed everyone by graduation year which is the only way I can keep track of how old everyone is and from what "era" we each come from (there are 6 of us who were 80's girls and then the other 5 who were 90's girls). For those of you who are offended by this apparent revelation of your age, notice that I have not identified you by last names or other identifying factors :-)

top row -- Amber ('94), Jennifer ('87), Clare ('90), Penny ('97), Monique ('95)
bottom row -- Jessica ('93), Bridget ('97), Deann ('85), Vicki ('88), Megan ('88) & Katie ('90)

Side note...I crocheted both the sweater that I am wearing as well as the one that Jennifer is wearing. I joked last night that within a few weeks, we will all have crocheted sweaters made by me to wear to the ladies' nights.

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