Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Handwriting fascinates me...

I'm sure many of you are thinking that this post is rather goofy, but I couldn't help myself. I've always had a love for handwriting (hence my interest in calligraphy and creative lettering styles).

Last night was Liam's preschool open house and so as we entered, I invited him to write his name on his name tag just like I did with Connell exactly 2 years ago when he had just turned three. So I had to post the results!

Here is what Liam came up with -- we love the clockwise motion to it!

Here is what Connell came up with shortly after he turned 3 (done in Oct. '07)

And here is what Connell came up with last night...Not too shabby, huh? (although handwriting is NOT one of the strengths of any of the "boys" I live with! Just ask Ray!)

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