Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jeff & Kelsey's Wedding

We made the drive up to Alexandria on Saturday to attend cousin Jeff Hagen's wedding. First we went by way of Ray's grandma Harvey's house in Glenwood and had lunch at the Pizza Ranch. We spent a few hours with her and the boys wore her out with all their game playing! I forgot to dig my camera out at grandma's house, so I don't have photos from there.

The wedding was nice. It was the first wedding that the kids have gone to (Connell was at one in June '05 and Oct. '05 --- but since those were four years ago and he was a baby, we don't really count them nor did he)! The boys were continually saying, "it's our first wedding today!" They were particularly excited because they had seen the Little Bill episode several times where Little Bill and his classmates all attend their teacher's wedding - and some even have a role in the ceremony. Liam kept telling me that "everyone has to kiss the bride" which Ray and I discouraged for Kelsey's sake. The boys' behavior was marginal although there were other children there and so they weren't the only squirmy ones. We had the sense to sit in the back row. You can see a few pictures from the wedding.

Kelsey & Jeff Hagen

Our Family

Ray's dad and wife Karon

Our family in the pews

Ray's sister Christine and her daughter Nichole

nephew Trent with Liam on his shoulders

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