Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great Week for Minnesota Sports...

I'm not usually much into sports as many of you know, but I can sure jump on the bandwagon when the enthusiasm picks up (like this year!) Monday evening, I enjoyed watching the Vikings beat the Packers (although I must admit I only watched the first half and let Ray fill me in on the rest -- sometimes sleep is more important to me!) Then last night I watched the full Twins-Tigers game --- all 4 1/2+ hours of it! It was a nailbiter and I told Ray that I can't take stress like this. So now there are at least 3 more games although I think their chances against the Yankees are grim. Oh, well. The Vikings are now 4-0 with most of the season to go and Favre who has been on fire! Exciting times for Minnesotans....

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