Thursday, December 18, 2008

Transitions, transitions

It's been quite a change for me readjusting to Ray being gone 12 hours of the day. His commute is very long especially with all the snow we have been getting this winter. Yesterday it took him about 15-20 minutes just to make it out of the industrial park that VISI is located in and about the same amount of time to make it to the highway. The evening commute took about 1 hr 50 minutes total. Ugh!

In addition to Ray being back at work, he also notified me this morning that the new insurance that we will be covered under does not have an agreement with the clinic that we have been attending for 13 years. So we are forced to change clinics. I have had the same family practice doctor for 13 years and have become pretty attached to him. He is the boys' doctor as well -- they have only seen him since birth. Ray is probably the least attached to his doctor of the four of us, not to mention the fact that Ray is better with changes/transitions! In the next few weeks I will be searching for another doctor/clinic for us at least for the next 1 1/2 years. When I go back in the fall of 2010, perhaps we would change to the school district's insurance plan for our family coverage and maybe we would return to our clinic. Or perhaps we will like the new one better?!?!?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I was really glad to hear the good news about Ray last week. Too bad about the commute, though. My bus ride on Tuesday was nearly two hours so I was almost an hour late picking up the girls from daycare. And winter doesn't even start for a few more days!! Argh. Good luck!