Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm at risk of losing my job here at home...

Just since Ray had been home, we had taken down all the gates since Liam would just help himself through them anyway. We still left babyproofed knobs on some door knobs since we prefer to keep Liam (and Connell) out of certain rooms. Well, for a few minutes this afternoon Liam was being quite quiet playing by himself upstairs as Connell was writing at the table so I figured I better check on him. Unbeknownst to me, Liam had broken the babyproofed handle off of our bedroom door and gotten into things. He got to an entire tube of Orajel and squeezed it all over the stairs (it comes out orange if anyone is interested). He also opened a babyproofed container of Children's Pepto Bismol and since he was chomping on something, I counted the pills left in the bottle. There were still 22 of 24, so he must have eaten 2 at most. I hope he enjoyed the wintergreen flavor. He also got to some games that I had hidden in our room because previously the boys had tokens and little parts all over the house. Well, you guessed it -- they were again all over the landing upstairs. So I am mad as a hatter and calling out to him, "naughty boy" and he is countering it with "No, I'm a good boy!" Ugh!

(update...Connell admitted to breaking off the handle and letting Liam into our room. That sounds more like it although I totally missed all of that action. The boys can be very good at playing upstairs together and then again, they can get into mischief like today! Perhaps Connell is trying to make a statement because he didn't want daddy to go back to work. He liked having him around. That would be nice if we didn't have to pay the mortgage and eat!)

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