Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ray Accepted a Job Offer!

Ray was offered a job Wednesday afternoon and accepted. He will be working for VISI (rhymes with "dizzy" or "busy") -- a business class web hosting and data center colocation company. It is located at 169 and 494 in Eden Prairie which will be a bit of a commute (but Ray has always had a long commute). He will again be a product manager. This company only has about 60 employees -- whereas ADC had nearly 10,000 worldwide. There will be very little travel and regular business hours.

We are extremely excited about the job! He starts next week which means that he will have had 6 weeks of time between his job loss and new start date.

Now I have to get reaccustomed to being the only stay-at-home parent which might be challenging given that Liam has appeared to have totally given up his nap. He turned 2 1/2 on Monday and that was the last day he napped. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I tried to get him to go down with little success.

Tomorrow morning we will be going downtown to the Xcel Energy Center as a family to see Disney on Ice. Will let you know how that goes...

1 comment:

Clint Hagen said...

That's awesome! I am glad you were able to find a decent offer in this current economic climate.