Friday, December 19, 2008

Monopoly already?!?!??!

Connell begged and begged for me to teach him how to play Monopoly today. With a few distractions for Liam (including some DVDs), we managed to play a game for about an hour and 40 minutes. He did quite well. We had all the properties purchased by the end and Connell had 5-6 houses on the red ones. I had purchased all of the yellow ones, but between paying rent and landing on the "pay taxes" space, I couldn't get any houses for my properties. Connell was sad to quit and now he is obsessed with the game. He is even playing it by himself (pretending to be 2 players and the banker) and also creating his own fake money! I didn't think that I would be diving into these types of games quite so soon...

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