Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Wacky Weekend

I came down with the flu bug late Friday and it lasted until late Saturday when I finally stopped vomiting. The weather was so bad on Saturday that Ray and the boys didn't even attempt the drive up to Little Falls for Christmas with his dad and his wife. Traveling was not advised, we saw many vehicles in the ditch already on the morning news and so they decided that it just was too risky to try. So we spend the day Saturday homebound and the boys had to listen to my vomiting (yuck!)

By Sunday, I was able to keep some food down and the weather had settled and so we went to Ray's mom's house in North St. Paul for a Christmas gathering. Ray's brother and family were there as well as his sister and family. We hadn't all been together since August of '07 so we got a photo of the 6 of us with his mom. We tried to get all 6 cousins together, but cousin Madison wanted no part so her brother Nic had to stand alone! Here are the photos.

(the inlaws...Chris and Christine Albright (Ray's sister), Juliana and Clint Hagen (Ray's brother), us in the front row with his mom, Sue)

(Nic, Trent with Liam on lap, Nichole with Connell on lap)

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