Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Broken Limbs

So my 3 friends and I went roller skating tonight -- I hadn't been in at least 20 years -- perhaps more. It came right back to me and I really got into it and enjoyed it. This was a 18+ night and so there were about 16-20 total adults there. A few of the regulars were talking to me (yes, some strange guys), but my ladies didn't bail me out so I had to respond to their questions. I was invited back and also invited to skate in their little group! When I told the one guy that I hadn't skated in 20 years, he said, "What -- were you 4 back then, sweetie?" It was really a blast though, but I know that we will all be feeling it in the morning.

(this is Monique, Katie, myself & Vicki showing our legs for you!)

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