Friday, December 12, 2008

Disney on Ice

We used our free tickets and attended the Disney on Ice production at the Xcel this morning. I don't have any photos since I discovered as we came back to our car in the parking lot that my camera had fallen out and was laying on the cold ground during the entire performance. Luckily no one stole it.

The program was broken into 4 sections -- "The Lion King", "The Little Mermaid", "Lilo and Stitch" and "Peter Pan". The boys did ok for the first and the second, but really got antsy during the "Lilo and Stitch" part. Then there was an intermission so we took them out to walk around a little bit. They did ok, but I would have really enjoyed the performance much better without them next to me standing up/sitting down, walking back and forth. The "Peter Pan" part got a little long for them.

I think I really was the family member who enjoyed it the most since I loved ice skating as a child and combined with roller skating last week, I am on a skating kick right now. I always love a good musical performance, too.

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