Sunday, July 13, 2008

Church Picnic

Today was our church's annual picnic/carnival. I volunteered to help and therefore spent an hour running a game. The boys went with Ray -- eating, playing games, talking to people. You can imagine that with a parish of 11,000 people that you only see a handful that you know personally during the hour or two that you are there. I did manage to catch the boys in the petting zoo area (checking out the rabbits) and also at the pony ride. Liam decided to pass on riding a pony and preferred to stand by daddy and watch Connell. We can't say that Connell was totally thrilled about the pony ride. He ended up being more excited about the dunk tank (and begged the entire trip home to have one built in our backyard). The funny part is that while Connell was having a tantrum/meltdown by the dunk tank, our pastor (Father Charlie) took a squirt gun and was squirting him with it to try and subdue him! Pretty funny!

1 comment:

Clint Hagen said...

You should get those boys a horse and a few bunnies to play with at home.