Friday, July 11, 2008

Our Little "Guitar Hero"

Since it was too hot today to go outside (heat index of over 100 degrees in the Cities), I took the boys on a thrift store run. We ended up buying a few "new" toys to add to their collection. Liam chose this electric guitar that actually has 12 buttons that each sound like real electric guitar jamming when pressed. He was so excited to show daddy his new instrument. So when Liam is a guitarist for a famous rock band, I will pull out this photo to show everyone that he had musical talent at age 2 - ha, ha!

There's nothing more that I can say except that we really do love music in our family. I grew up playing the piano, acoustic guitar, French horn, flute, cymbals, etc. in various bands throughout school (mostly middle school) and also sang in the choirs. Ray sang in the choir although he never really took to an instrument. Ray is really a music expert though (various styles, knowledge of performers, analysis of albums). Both our boys have seemed to show an interest in music already -- mostly Connell for the moment. That's fine with us. I am only depressed that no one in the family seems to appreciate the 80s hair band music like I do. Connell heard it played constantly for 9 months while in the womb and yet tells me to turn it off whenever I try to play it for him now. Sigh.

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