Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Crazy Night and Day

Liam woke up at 1:15 am and had vomited all over his Pack and Play and himself. I figured there was more to come and so I didn't clean him up too much. Indeed he continued to vomit every 10-30 minutes the rest of the night and morning (I slept next to him on the floor and every time I heard a gag, I was up and ready with the bucket). Although we have started to give him Pedialyte, he continues to throw up most of what goes down. We think it is probably a 24 hr bug and none of the rest of us have gotten anything yet. So hopefully tonight he will feel better.

It has left us pretty much housebound today, so Connell was a little crabby and wanting to get out. I took him to the Imax at the zoo to see "Kung Fu Panda" this afternoon. We had some meltdowns before it even started and then 20 minutes into the 95 minute show he asked, "When is this going to be over?" Many of you who know Connell well could have predicted that! (He has never been to a movie in a theater in his life and the only thing that compares would be Sesame Street Live although that was a live show and not simply on screen). We did finally make it to the end of the 95 minutes, but barely.

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