Monday, July 21, 2008

Reading Again

I started to really slow down on my reading (after the big reading frenzy lasting from late November until early March). I needed to take a break around the time of my French contest and then started painting and redecorating parts of the house. I have recently taken up reading again (not at the record speed as before though). Here are the latest 5 books I have read bringing my total to 60 since Thanksgiving. I have found that having read so many now that I am much more critical of the plots/style and so I no longer give away 5 star ratings freely! I really did like the Scheeres book below even though it was very disturbing and therefore difficult to read.

“Jesus Land” – Julia Scheeres 4 ½ stars
“What to Wear to See the Pope” -- Christina Lehner 3 stars
“Once Upon a Day” – Lisa Tucker 4 stars
“Daughter of Fortune” – Isabel Allende 4 stars
“The Amateur Marriage” --- Anne Tyler 3 ½ stars

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