Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Few Connell-isms

Here are a few funny things that Connell has said in the last week that made me laugh. I wish I would have time to jot many of them down, because he says some hysterical things.

Last week when he and I had the stomach flu and were sitting with empty ice cream pails on the couch, I tried to comfort him after we both had thrown up into the pails (the last time Connell had vomited was in Nov. of '06 and so he barely remembered it). I told him, "You're ok. Mommy threw up, too." He came back with, "Yes, but mine is dairy-free!"

We have an imaginary "wish list" that Connell decides to add various toys to at any given time. We have never actually written anything down and it is a joke between Ray and I how this list --- that would have hundreds of things on it -- doesn't even exist. Connell hasn't really caught on to the fact that it is nonexistent. Yesterday he saw an ad for a cool toy and said to me, "Mom, I know that it is already on the list, but I think you better add it again since I think it got covered up!"

When Liam got hurt yesterday, Connell said to him, "Liam, I think you need to call 411-PAIN!" That Connell-ism is only funny if you know that there is a commercial on tv with the phrase repeated over and over for getting in touch with a lawyer after your accident or mishap.

While I was putting some SPF 30 sunscreen on Connell the other day, he noticed the number 30 on the container. He said, "Mom, that means that I can go 30 miles per hour with this sunscreen on!"

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