Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fun With Crochet

It all started two weeks ago at a park where Amy's mom (Jennifer) showed me a store-bought hat that was crocheted and was ruined in laundering. She asked if I was up for the challenge of trying to crochet a similar hat for Amy. So a week later Jennifer provided me some skeins of yarn (Sugar and Cream for those of you who do knitting or crocheting) and I was off -- within 3 days I had created 5 things! Keep in mind I only get to crochet when the boys are in bed or watching something on tv. I have always been told that I am a fast crocheter and I was debating going to a local qualifier at the Mall of America about a year or more ago for "fastest knitter" and "fastest crocheter". In the end I realized that I wouldn't have been fast enough to make it to nationals and so I am glad that I didn't waste my Saturday afternoon there (and the date wasn't a good one anyway).

Nonetheless, I absolutely love crocheting and also modifying patterns to create something new. The multi-colored hat was the one that I came up with that resembles the ruined store-bought one, but the brim is a bit different. I used a pattern for the poncho and it really did turn out cute. Beyond that I pretty much made up everything as I went along. I totally made up the yellow hat with the colored flower off the top of my head --- no pun intended (-: --- and the purse is pretty basic. I tried to replicate the drawstring bags that I used to make with the bottoms of empty Clorox bottles of bleach 30 years ago (Yes, I started crocheting by the time I was 4 and by elementary school my friends were paying me to make them coin purses and vests, etc) This drawstring bag is actually from an empty water bottle so it is small enough for Amy (who is 3 1/2 yrs old).

As you can see, the model's identity had to be concealed as I'm sure he would not be happy to find pictures of himself posing with girl's accessories come high school graduation time!

I love to crochet and really don't think that my little boys have too many crochet needs, so if any of you reading my blog wants to request something, I am up for it. I simply ask that you buy the yarn and I will take it from there (provided that I have the time to complete the project)!

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