Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Goofy Antics

Just a few goofy stories to start the day...

Liam got up in his plain shorty pajamas and he immediately decided that he wanted to change into his Elmo pajamas for lounging around (since the boys are up by 6 am and we don't need to leave the house until about 9, the boys usually lounge around in pajamas for a few hours before they need to get dressed). This is a kid who really doesn't care what he wears (similar to Connell) and so I was a little surprised at his persistence in wanting to change into these. Perhaps it is simply due to his love of Elmo and the fact that these were brand new thrift store finds from this past weekend!

The other picture is of Connell with his Legos. Thanks to Ray's sister passing on all their Legos to us years ago, we traditionally have Legos all over the house and underfoot (ouch!) Connell builds with them, but he also has created a basketball game where he throws them into a wastebasket. Yikes! He makes patterns with the different colors and sizes, too.

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