Thursday, October 11, 2007

Liam's Anxiety Update...

Today I had Bible Study which was scheduled from 9:30-11:15 at the church. We got there at 9:10 and Liam instantly started panicking when we entered the church to drop off Connell at preschool. We got a lot of strange looks from other parents and teachers, but I simply responded, "he's not happy about going to the nursery".

So we headed towards the nursery around 9:15 and he was worse than ever -- kicking me and screaming and so the nursery worker suggested that I come in and play for a while. Since I had 15 minutes to spare, I thought it was a good idea. He started playing with the shopping carts and telephones and found Ian with whom he played with some trucks. When 9:40 rolled around and I knew that opening prayer would be starting already, I left the nursery hearing him screaming bloody murder as I walked down the hall. Since the nursery and Bible Study room share a wall, everyone was well aware that he cried for the first 30 minutes. They still didn't page me which I was happy about. Then the crying stopped and for the next hour, I was sure that he has calmed down. When I went back to pick him up at 11:15, he was playing nicely and I was told that they had an hour of peace and contentment. He cried when he saw me of course, but I was happy that they didn't give in and page me (thanks to Wendy who knows what I have been going through and is trying to help me out any way she can). I wanted him to see that it could actually be fun in the nursery without mommy.

We still will have to take each time as it comes as Tues mornings, there are many more kids in there and they simply cannot put up with lots of crying like they can on Thursday mornings.

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