Thursday, October 4, 2007

Eczema no more...

After a week of a dairy-free diet, Connell's terrible eczema seems to have cleared up. You might not think that the backs of his knees look perfect, but if any of you saw him this summer in his shorts - you would agree with me in that it is 100 times better. It used to be scratched open to the point of bleeding and then scabby at all times. After having the chance to do some Internet surfing, I was able to find lists of dairy-free foods which made me feel better with the situation. I have ordered a fruity calcium chew for children from an online vitamin distributor and so when those arrive we should be well on our way. Connell is becoming much better at saying "I can't have cheese. I'm allergic to dairy." Last week he was simply begging for yogurt or cheese and wondering why he couldn't have them.

We are noticing that the tree-nut allergy really isn't affecting his diet very much as he really didn't eat too many of them to begin with.

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