Friday, October 26, 2007

Ready for the Halloween Luncheon!

Before going to the entire playgroup party at McDonald's today at 11, a few of the playgroup friends dropped by for a group photo. As you can see, it is difficult to get 7 children to even sit for a photo.

Liam is on the left as Donald Duck but without the hat that I made. Nathan is next as an elephant holding his baby brother, Nicholas who is a sack of peanuts. Connell is next as Mickey Mouse with his hat over his eyes. Riley is nearly falling over as a dragon (or an alligator as he calls it). Riley's sister Brooke is a purple princess (like a Dora princess) and Amy is Pooh bear (no big surprise since Amy is a Pooh fanatic).

At the party at McDonald's there were 30 people (including 16 children and 14 adults) which is why we needed to do some sort of smaller group photo!

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