Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Here is our family of cards for Halloween. Almost everything was homemade of course (except Connell's black top and pants which were thrift store finds and Ray's white shirt which he wears from time to time and my maroon shirt which was dug out of my closet simply to add a little more warmth). My dress is made from two tablecloths (a gold and a maroon) and then a bed dust ruffle (the green with stripes) -- all from thrift stores. Do you see how I used the extra fabric to make Ray's sash and cinch belt? All the black fabric was new but only $1.-$2. per yard at Walmart. I love how it all turned out. I spent lots of time making crafting the extras (like the real-life looking cards, crowns with added jewels, etc.) It was very fun to do.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween at St. John Neumann

Liam had his little Halloween parade this morning at preschool. His joker costume was a hit! Connell is off from school due to conferences this week and so he came along also in costume.
Here the boys look really great!

Here is Liam in the parade.

Liam and John Henry don't look very happy -- maybe a little overwhelmed by all the spectators!

Then the boys sat down to watch the rest of the classes.

We attempted a class photo -- although Jacob was absent today.

Connell had fun hanging out with his former preschool-mate Matt Bowers doing puzzles while waiting.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Liam had a playdate

Today Liam was invited over by his preschool friend John Henry for a playdate. John Henry's nanny called us yesterday to mention the possibility even though we have had little contact with the family (beyond the fact that the two boys are in preschool together and I saw the parents on the orientation night). They only live about a mile away and so since Liam seemed excited about the prospect, I went along with it. I dropped him there as Connell and I headed to Bible Study and then picked him up on the way home. He had a great time -- they had a snack and decorated pumpkins and played nicely. How fun! As we left, Liam told me that he was going back after lunch. I'm sure it was way more fun that hanging out with me all day long!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fuming mad!!!!!!!

Liam is having a Halloween party this Friday at preschool. We were in charge of bringing a box of Triscuit Crackers. Since I know that my kids have a bad habit of getting into food items, I put the $3. box (purchased especially for the party) on the top shelf in the plate cupboard instead of next to other food items since it is the one item that I didn't want them to help themselves to.

A few minutes ago, here came Liam carrying a ripped box of Triscuits that he climbed up on the counter to purposely to reach. ARGH!!!!!!! I can't tell you how upset I was! I am still upset. Now I have to go get another box of Triscuits for the occasion.

Handwriting fascinates me...

I'm sure many of you are thinking that this post is rather goofy, but I couldn't help myself. I've always had a love for handwriting (hence my interest in calligraphy and creative lettering styles).

Last night was Liam's preschool open house and so as we entered, I invited him to write his name on his name tag just like I did with Connell exactly 2 years ago when he had just turned three. So I had to post the results!

Here is what Liam came up with -- we love the clockwise motion to it!

Here is what Connell came up with shortly after he turned 3 (done in Oct. '07)

And here is what Connell came up with last night...Not too shabby, huh? (although handwriting is NOT one of the strengths of any of the "boys" I live with! Just ask Ray!)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween at Highland

Liam and I went to Highland this morning for Connell's Halloween parade. Since they have so many days off in the next few weeks, they do it today. Since only the one morning kindergarten class is absent in the afternoon at Highland and the mass school parade is at 1:15 pm, the morning kindergartners parade around alone and some of the classes are allowed in the hall to watch them. Liam wanted to join the parade, but couldn't. I did get some compliments on his outfit from the other kindergarten parents though. Not to mention that when I walked into the office to sign in and the secretary saw Liam's costume, she said, "I know who your brother must be! I saw another card walking around this morning!"

I apologize for the poor quality of the photos as I had to crop them since I couldn't figure out how to zoom in.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Preview

These costumes have been sitting here since I made them in May-June and so I was dying to have the boys try them on. We still have about 3 weeks until Halloween, but here is a preview for you.

Inspired by Connell's obsession with games -- we decided to go as "cards" this year. We thought that the joker fit Liam's personality and the Ace of Spades fit Connell's. The boys were really excited just hearing about the costumes and then attentively watched as I made them. Liam's is from all scrap fabric and was a blast to make! Connell's was a little boring to put together (black) and I actually made the cape just to give it a little pizazz! I had fun doing coloring on the cards on their fronts. Those are spades on Connell's head by the way. A few Dollar Store accessories (axes, etc.) and I thought they turned out rather cute. I also felt like they needed card-themed trick-or-treat bags instead of the normal ones.

And my sewing did not stop there. I also crafted costumes for Ray and myself -- he will be the King of Clubs and I will be the Queen of Diamonds. You will have to wait for Halloween itself to see those costumes.

(excuse the poor photos as I think my batteries are almost dead thus resulting in poor lighting)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great Week for Minnesota Sports...

I'm not usually much into sports as many of you know, but I can sure jump on the bandwagon when the enthusiasm picks up (like this year!) Monday evening, I enjoyed watching the Vikings beat the Packers (although I must admit I only watched the first half and let Ray fill me in on the rest -- sometimes sleep is more important to me!) Then last night I watched the full Twins-Tigers game --- all 4 1/2+ hours of it! It was a nailbiter and I told Ray that I can't take stress like this. So now there are at least 3 more games although I think their chances against the Yankees are grim. Oh, well. The Vikings are now 4-0 with most of the season to go and Favre who has been on fire! Exciting times for Minnesotans....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jeff & Kelsey's Wedding

We made the drive up to Alexandria on Saturday to attend cousin Jeff Hagen's wedding. First we went by way of Ray's grandma Harvey's house in Glenwood and had lunch at the Pizza Ranch. We spent a few hours with her and the boys wore her out with all their game playing! I forgot to dig my camera out at grandma's house, so I don't have photos from there.

The wedding was nice. It was the first wedding that the kids have gone to (Connell was at one in June '05 and Oct. '05 --- but since those were four years ago and he was a baby, we don't really count them nor did he)! The boys were continually saying, "it's our first wedding today!" They were particularly excited because they had seen the Little Bill episode several times where Little Bill and his classmates all attend their teacher's wedding - and some even have a role in the ceremony. Liam kept telling me that "everyone has to kiss the bride" which Ray and I discouraged for Kelsey's sake. The boys' behavior was marginal although there were other children there and so they weren't the only squirmy ones. We had the sense to sit in the back row. You can see a few pictures from the wedding.

Kelsey & Jeff Hagen

Our Family

Ray's dad and wife Karon

Our family in the pews

Ray's sister Christine and her daughter Nichole

nephew Trent with Liam on his shoulders

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week in review

I would never have guessed that a week had gone by since my last post. I guess when we are healthy, there isn't a whole lot to blog about! But seriously, it was an uneventful week with both boys back at their respective schools and life going on as normal.

Last Friday evening, Ray and Connell finally got their seasonal flu shots and we ate at Perkin's to celebrate! Saturday and Sunday were fairly quiet with some errands (for me) and sports events on tv (for the guys).

Tomorrow we are driving up to Glenwood to have lunch with Ray's grandma and then at 4 pm we have Ray's cousin Jeff's wedding in Alexandria. It will be a marathon day with two changes of clothes for the boys -- a nice outfit for the wedding and then after the reception into pajamas so that they can sleep the entire way home and transfer into bed. The drive is about 2 1/2 hours one way.

The weather here was great (crisp/cool, yet sunny) the beginning of the week although the last few days have been rainy. We need the rain so I can't complain although it does give a glimpse of winter and the long afternoons. Connell is back from kindergarten by 11:15 each day and so it makes for a short morning and long afternoon.