Monday, March 10, 2008

Writing Progress...

Connell has really enjoyed trying to write lately. Because he makes his letters SO BIG and it wastes so much paper, I finally decided to buy some white board markers (a little reminiscent of when I was still teaching) and let him write on the little chalk board / white board that my sister Neysa gave him for Christmas. This morning I was in the living room with him in the kitchen and he calls out, "Mom, how do you spell 'hourglass'?" So I spelled it out loud and came in to find the following on his board. He still insists on using upper case letters because he thinks the lower case ones are too hard, but I am sure he will get over that hump one of these days. The funny part of the story is where in the world he got the idea to want to spell hourglass?!?!?!?

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