Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Misc. News From Here...

Late last week we were saddened to hear about the stabbing death of a 17 yr. old high school senior boy just a mile from our home. He was a student at Rosemount High School (where I taught for the 10 years before I took my leave of absence). I did not know the victim nor the 16 yr old charged nor his 18 yr old brother who was also involved. It was reported that it is the first homocide in Rosemount's history and it is really a sad story all around.

On a positive note, we were able to cross two major milestones this past week or two. Connell has finally gotten over the hurdle of going poopy in the big toilet (he has been fully trained wearing "big boy" underwear since June 3rd, 2007 -- but doing those big jobs in the big toilet was out of the question until lately!)

Secondly, we were able to get rid of his pacifier. Granted it was only used for the past 2 1/2 years in his bedroom (for naps or bedtime), but he really bucked the idea of us taking it away. Daddy Ray had told him months ago that at age 4 he would have to take it to the hospital to give to a new baby and so Connell was all over that idea. Of course I will be the first to admit that I wasn't too happy about that because if Ray had asked me I would have told him that at 3 1/2 years of age we would make the trip to the hospital instead (those extra 6 months sounded like an eternity that I wasn't really wanting to deal with). So the other night Connell truly lost his pacifier in his room and he and Ray looked all over for it (this part was real and honestly neither of them could locate it). After he fell asleep teary-eyed because he had lost it, I went in quietly and did my own little search and found it and hid it in our room so that it would never resurface! Hooray! The pacifier is gone now for good! My plan all along with Liam has been that after his 2 yr molars all cut through that I will take his away as well. I am a little leary doing anything before that since sometimes with Connell I think that the paci actually gave him a little comfort amidst the teething pain.

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