Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Little Big?!?!?

I sent Connell to preschool and Liam to the nursery today at church during Bible Study. When I picked up Liam, he was wearing the above outfit! I laughed so hard. Apparently he and little Maddie were playing with water and got soaked and the only spare t-shirt they could find to put him in was a size 6/7. I always send a spare one to preschool with Connell, but never dreamt that Liam will need one in the short time he is there. At any rate, Connell is simply down the hallway from Liam so if they ever paged me about changing clothes I would grab Connell's spare outfit from his backpack to put on Liam. They didn't want to bother me today and so this occurred. I had to take a picture before I washed it up to send it back to their apparently limited stash -- at least limited in sizes!

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