Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Connell's Latest Obsession

I can take full responsibility for this one. As something fun to do Monday morning, I pulled out my 15 scrapbook/card making punches and thought it would be fun to punch some shapes with the kids. Connell really had fun and so even after the 10-15 minutes of doing it as a threesome, Connell wanted to continue on his own. Well, by the end of the day, he had spent 4 or 5 hours punching. He wasn't even hungry to eat supper that night because he was really intent on continuing to punch. He was using all colors of paper and punching all the different shapes (moon, heart, balloon, music note, swirl, etc.) and collecting the punches in a bucket. Tuesday afternoon he started back again. This morning he is already up there punching. We are torn between being very worried that something is wrong with him or just delighting in the fact that after 3 1/2 years we have found something that he can do for more than a few minutes at a time. We have noticed that he does tend to have my gene for obsessing over things. I do things until I finish them (craft projects) and I don't procrastinate, but then at some point I get sick of the whole craft and quit for a while before I pick it up again and obsess again.

The photo is after Connell dropped his sherbet bucket filled with the punches and was forced to pick them all back up!

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