Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm sorry I haven't had much in the line of updates lately, but life has been pretty boring around here. I have been totally consumed with my statewide oral French contest (that I organize) and just last week I had to schedule 757 students into 398 time slots in 12 judging rooms between the times of 9:35 am and 1:15 pm. It was quite a chore that took DAYS! The part that is difficult is that every school gives me their own parameters -- i.e. they can't arrive until 10:15 and then must depart at 11:45 and yet have 30 students compete and get their awards packets also processed between that short interval of time! Yikes!!! Then I sent everything off and am already hearing from teachers wanting to make some changes to the schedule. I will be happy when the contest is over (the date of the competition is Thurs. April 10th). This is my 12th year and so I am really counting down the next 2 years until I turn it over to some other poor soul! It's totally volunteer and every year it gets harder with growing boys who don't nap and are bugging me as I try to concentrate on doing my planning. So for the next week or so (especially since Ray is in Mexico Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week), don't expect too many blog entries. Sorry.

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