Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Here are a few photos of Liam.

The first is showing off his latest injury -- a scuffed/rug burned nose from wiping out in the living room. He seems to always have a bruise/scrape on his head.

The second is of Liam trying on my glasses. He is obsessed with trying them on and since they are from 1995 and very bent already, I don't mind. One of these years I will get an updated pair although I feel no rush since I only wear them after taking my contacts out at night or in the morning on the weekends. I never wear them out of the house.

The final photo is of Liam's friend Seth (who is a month older than him). We get together with him and his mom Jackie weekly to play. Sometimes Connell chooses to play with the boys and sometimes Connell just hides in his room.

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